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Gayathri Nair
CEO & Founder
Gayathri Nair is a skilled professional with a Master's degree in Social Work specializing in rural development from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences. With over 4 years of experience in sustainability and livelihoods, she brings valuable expertise in operations, vendor development, and organizational development to her work.
Akshay Chaddha
Akshay Chaddha is an experienced operations professional who previously served as an operating executive at Mutterfly. Currently, he is working as an operations manager with Codevidya, leveraging his expertise in operations management to drive the organization's growth and success.
Rajeev Jain
Rajeev Jain is a retired senior government official who has worked extensively in strategic development. As a consultant and founder of his current organization, he specializes in networking, organizational growth, and securing funding.
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