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Our Impact

Plastic Free & Carbon Neutral Shopping

We ensure a minimal carbon footprint by sending you packages separately – directly from where it is created and shipping them Plastic Free. 

How We Ensure a Minimal Carbon Footprint for Your Orders:

We ship everything Plastic Free (right from product materials to packaging and shipping materials used), on an average, our products help us reduce our plastic footprint by approximately 4.1 Kgs per product for each product sold.

This effectively means, on an average, we save 24 kgs of carbon emission for each product sold. The carbon footprint of plastic (LDPE or PET, poyethylene) is about 6 kg Carbon Emission for each kg of plastic.

In total, we have been able to save 200 kgs of plastic from entering into landfills (since November 2023).

How Your Orders Are Shipped:

If you will notice, the products you will order will all be shipped from different locations and not a central warehouse. This is because we ensure the products are shipped directly from the source of production to you. It is called a drop-ship model that helps us minimize the transportation & emissions involved for the product.  In this case, only 2 locations involved: from production location to the customer

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